Wendy...you took the words right out of my mouth.
What a woman you are, I was also thinking about Mamya.
We had discussed her having a go at knitting me an extension for my allotment shed.
Now don't get me wrong I'm sure she is going to do a damn fine job. it's just that I have changed my mind...and I don't know how to tell her.See originally I wanted a full extension, but I made that decision when it was cold, I mean really cold....freeze a witches tits off type of cold. But now that it's warmed up a bit, I think I would prefer more of a "leanto" type of thing. You know something that will keep the rain off but still get the fresh air.
Wendy, I am really worried! What if Mamya has finished it? you know how bloody quick she is and I bet its good, a well turned heel in every corner.
Wendy, I am so happy I have you to "chat" too. This has been playing on my mind for days.
I have to out for a bit now, but I will be later.
Take care
p@ x