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21st March 2011, 23:08
Thanks for that explanation stevem - it was a toughie alright!
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22nd March 2011, 09:05
Thanks stevem. Should have seen the anagram. Ixion - sorry if I'm being thick, but what do you mean by "as" type clue?
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22nd March 2011, 09:35
he as t applied to heart - AZED uses these ocassionally
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22nd March 2011, 09:37
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22nd March 2011, 09:39
Fiendish. Thanks.
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22nd March 2011, 13:56
OK, I'm just starting this. I had the "Wilder..." answer in the fifth column from the right (reaching the bottom of the grid) just because it seemed to belong in the same place as the fourth down clue, but the predatory insect ends in D where there's an E. The insect seems to belong where the library books answer is (when rotated I mean). Is the insect supposed to be four lines from the bottom beginning in the first column?
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22nd March 2011, 14:18
Yes to both 8 letters long.
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22nd March 2011, 14:21
Sorry, meant yes for your library book clue (correct position & 8 letters and yes to the insect correct position 8 letters ending in d. Unsure about your down clue?
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22nd March 2011, 14:27
The Wilder clue answer. Which column does it go in? It seems to belong in the same (rotated) column as 4d, but of course it can't cross the insect answer. Thanks for verifying other placement.
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22nd March 2011, 14:56
Sorry A, although I have the "wilder" answer I'm not sure where it goes yet, but I think it's further along (not touching the insect answer)
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