Sorry,Quizmad, I was so pleased at getting that answer that I didn't notice you still needed help with some. For 12 put a 4 letter word for subordinate in the middle of your answer which is a nickname for a well-known national newspaper. For 14 think someone cited in a suit or in other words a divorce case.
Hello everybody, stil have 8 to do.
Am a bit worried about the clues given for no.64. My answer bears no relation to them.
Am I way off beam? My first word begins with t.
I haven't got No.99 yet but I've seen different posts that say it begins with E and ends with I It begins with A and ends with N and now it begins with I and ends in S. Confusing or what?
Just got back . Not much guidance on those I asked for yet but on 12 if you look back at the correspondence the best clue said think of times. Use Wikipedia