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30th March 2011, 20:22
Two left to get - would welcome hints on numbers 14 and 64
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30th March 2011, 21:35
bazza no 13 i have the same and searched for the reason was very obscure but apparently its the name for a merchant marine radio operator!
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30th March 2011, 22:07
trawlerboy someone gave a great clue earlier to no. 14, having probs myself with 64 think i have one of the words but it hasn't helped
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30th March 2011, 22:07
Thanks all - now happy with answer to 36; but still in the dark on 44, any thoughts please.
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lady bee

30th March 2011, 22:09
Think of your 13 amp plug and how might you get shocked.
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30th March 2011, 22:12
bazza 36 if someone has intense energy they can be referred to as this..also as someone else said if it isn't earthed you could get a shock. still stuck on quite a few myself. no 32 is driving me mad...i know what campanology refers to but just can't get it..maybe i'm looking in the wrong direction
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30th March 2011, 22:21
Lady Bee/lisalippy - thanks, finally seen the light and that's me finished. You are on the right lines for 32, just think about what is needed.
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30th March 2011, 22:29
well done in finishing...i will carry on looking at 32 then plus quite a few others!
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30th March 2011, 22:36
HI Bellringing starts with the call TREBLES GOING
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30th March 2011, 22:50
even more confused...but something else to look into
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