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5th February 2011, 01:22
to old gal,agree life is more important than a crossword. However should you still need help with 6a A Pine tree is this all year. ie not deciduous
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charlies human

5th February 2011, 09:10
Well, I haven't completed the crossword as quickly as I did this one for a long time and felt deeply gratified that my brain hadn't deteriorated as far as I thought it had. So I came on to see what everyone else had to say about things and found the 3d dilemma; collapse of morale followed! I hadn't seen any ambiguity at all and now I'm confused and must needs boil my head. But it did cross my mind that in doing it so quickly I'd lost the pleasure of a good mental tussle, which is possibly what some of you were also experiencing.
So, no puzzle and the wind howling about. I shall eat cake. But like some others of you, Charlie was speechless at the importance I'd placed on a puzzle, but what does he know?
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5th February 2011, 10:43
Mary, I see you are burning the midnight oil! AS far as my memory serves me that pine tree thing involves a colour! Hope that is a help. I am usually the one asking for help so it is a nice change to help someone else, if that is indeed what I am doing!

Old gal. Sorry to hear things are not good for you just now. Hopefully they will improve and you will be back to your usual chirpy self.

Mandala. We seem to have the same sort of weather - lots of water and high winds.
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mrs bantry

5th February 2011, 12:03
Thanks Mary now I've finished!
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5th February 2011, 13:16
Hello all. Finished RT6 last night. It was a welcome relief to pick up the crossword after spending the last four days on an accountancy course. My apologies to any accountants out there, but would you believe the highlight of the week was an emergency trip to the dentist to repair a broken crown? Obviously a case of chewing much too hard on the end of the pencil.

No real problems with this week's puzzle. With regard to 3d, I read the clue as (Closing off) = (sound from) (top of room) with the answer beginning with an 's' not a 'c'. I'm not sure if I fully understood the logic of 13d, but the answer is clear enough. Similarly, with 12a, I can see that part of the answer is an anagram of 'a silent', but where does the rest of it come from?
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5th February 2011, 14:35
Hi TomCat,re 13d 'source of water'=A tap+ anagram of immure.
Yes 12a is part anagram 'a silent'+ stand, for brook (as in 'I shall not brook your behaviour').
Hope that makes sense!
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5th February 2011, 17:09
Thanks Karen.
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5th February 2011, 20:03
Glad to be of help TomCat
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5th February 2011, 20:25
Hi all. This is my first post on here; don't worry, I'm not going to call you all a bunch of wankers!
I'm stuck on 24a (Geoff to leave his car in front of prison (9) ). Is the answer someone's surname or something?
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5th February 2011, 20:27
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