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2nd February 2011, 12:54
Thanks Karen for being able to decipher my muddled up clues of No 5D and 17D. Had to look up 5D as I do not watch Countdown. Hope you enjoyed your daughter`s visit.
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2nd February 2011, 13:09
Hi Mondrian,yes did indeed enjoy daughter Amy's visit last weekend. She'll be up for another soon as we're going to a family wedding later this month so a shopping trip is necessary!
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2nd February 2011, 17:39
I see we have a contribution [unwanted] from Doug - the answer to "What do you call a man with a spade sticking out of his head?"
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2nd February 2011, 18:12
Perhaps his full name is Doug the Latrine?

I too had to look at the Countdown website.
3d isn't it sounds like closing off but spelt like top of room?
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2nd February 2011, 20:02
Hi Bees, I think, it sounds like 'top of room'.and Closing off, beginning of clue is the definition.x
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2nd February 2011, 20:28
Mondrian wrote:-

.... As I have only been a regular on this site for a year, I hadn`t realised that you, Philip, and John from Arran had originated it.

The site is owned and was developed by Ash Young (see the Twitter link below right). PHILIP & JfA started the tradition (?) of a weekly dedicated RT thread with no answers only clues. Some like it and clearly (as Doug has demonstrated) some don't.

I found #6 quite easy but like everyone else was confused by the possible homophones for 3D. I've gone for the plasterboard solution but since I never send it in it doesn't really matter. However I will be writing to RT to complain about the ambiguous clue. Cue Doug!
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mrs bantry

2nd February 2011, 20:36
I would just like to say how much i enjoy the RT threads even though i dont actually do the crossword I think i might give it a go.
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2nd February 2011, 21:13
re 3d

Surely the answer is another word for "closing off", which sounds like the word for the top of the room.
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2nd February 2011, 22:13
Yes, you're quite right, Ann. We all know what the answer sounds like but, because of the ambiguity in the wording of the clue, and the checking letters, none of is sure of the spelling!
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2nd February 2011, 22:22
Mrs Bantry, you're more than welcome to join our weekly discussions about the Radio Times crossword where, you'll appreciate, we do try to assist others to complete the crossword without giving the actual answers.
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