Christmas Week already and no Crossword to do now, but that is no reason to neglect my regular dip into this thread. I too remember walking home from school at the start of the Great Snow of '47 and the hypnotic joy of sitting in the window watching the snowflakes. That pleasure has never left me but I do miss Jack Frost fingers on the windows in the morning. Maybe being warm makes up a bit for that. Nowadays I have my walking crampons which are a blessing and produce a high level of self-satisfaction.
My main reason for my post today is to say how much I've enjoyed the to-ing and fro-ing between everyone this year, whether I've joined in or not. It has increased my pleasure in doing the crossword no end. So, I send you all my very best wishes for Christmas and look forward to the conversations of 2011. Charlie agrees, or he would do if he wasn't asleep.