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Lady's Slipper
  1. Any orchidaceous plant of the genus Cypripedium, the labellum of which resembles a slipper. Less commonly, in the United States, the garden balsam (Impatiens Balsamina).
Lady's Smock
  1. A plant of the genus Cardamine (Cardamine pratensis); cuckoo flower.
Lady's Thimble
  1. The harebell.
Lady's Thumb
  1. An annual weed (Polygonum Persicaria), having a lanceolate leaf with a dark spot in the middle.
Ladies' Tresses
  1. A name given to several species of the orchidaceous genus Spiranthes, in which the white flowers are set in spirals about a slender axis and remotely resemble braided hair.
  1. A genus of huge, carnivorous, dinosaurian reptiles from the Cretaceous formation of the United States. They had very large hind legs and tail, and are supposed to have been bipedal. Some of the species were about eighteen feet high.
  1. See Lammergeir.
  1. One of the Laemodipoda.
  1. A division of amphipod Crustacea, in which the abdomen is small or rudimentary and the legs are often reduced to five pairs. The whale louse, or Cyamus, and Caprella are examples.
  1. Of or pertaining to the Laemodipoda.