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Lepiota Americana
  1. an agaric with a pallid cap and a stalk that is enlarged near the base
Lepiota Rubrotincta
  1. an agaric with a relatively small pink to red cap and white gills and stalk
Lepiota Clypeolaria
  1. an agaric with a ragged stalk and a soft floccose cap
Lepiota Cepaestipes
  1. a white agaric that tends to cluster and has a club-shaped base
Lepista Irina
  1. an edible agaric with large silky white caps and thick stalks
Leotia Lubrica
  1. a discomycete that develops in clusters of slippery rubbery gelatinous fruiting bodies that are dingy yellow to tan in color
  1. a large fungus of the family Helvellaceae
  1. a large fungus of the family Helvellaceae
  1. small order of basidiomycetous fungi having fleshy often globose fruiting bodies; includes puffballs and earthstars
  1. a fungus family belonging to the order Lycoperdales; includes puffballs