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Lesser Hemlock
  1. European weed naturalized in America that resembles parsley but causes nausea and poisoning when eaten
  2. European weed naturalized in America that resembles parsley but causes nausea and poisoning when eaten
  1. genus of aromatic European herbs with yellow flowers
Levisticum Officinale
  1. herb native to southern Europe; cultivated for its edible stalks and foliage and seeds
Lamb's Lettuce
  1. widely cultivated as a salad crop and pot herb; often a weed
  2. widely cultivated as a salad crop and pot herb; often a weed
  1. including some ferns sometimes placed in genus Todea
Leptopteris Superba
  1. New Zealand with pinnate fronds and a densely woolly stalks; sometimes included in genus Todea
  1. chiefly tropical climbing ferns
Lygodium Palmatum
  1. delicate fern of the eastern United States having a twining stem and palmately-lobed sterile fronds and forked fertile fronds
Lygodium Microphyllum
  1. tropical fern widespread in Old World; naturalized in Jamaica and Florida
Leathery Grape Fern
  1. European fern with leathery and sparsely hairy fronds
  2. European fern with leathery and sparsely hairy fronds