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Lentinus Edodes
  1. edible east Asian mushroom having a golden or dark brown to blackish cap and an inedible stipe
Lentinus Lepideus
  1. a fungus with a scaly cap and white flesh and a ring on the stalk (with scales below the ring); odor reminiscent of licorice
  1. large genus of agarics that have white spore and contain a white or milky juice when cut or broken; includes both edible and poisonous species
Lactarius Delicioso
  1. edible mushroom
  1. a family of fungi having free gills and a cap that is cleanly separable from the stalk
  1. any fungus of the genus Lepiota
Lepiota Procera
  1. edible long-stalked mushroom with white flesh and gills and spores; found in open woodlands in autumn
Lepiota Morgani
  1. an agaric regarded as poisonous
Lepiota Naucina
  1. an agaric with greyish white fruiting body and gills that change from pink to dingy red
Lepiota Rhacodes
  1. an agaric with a large cap with brown scales and a thick stalk