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  1. hawkbit
Leontodon Autumnalis
  1. fall-blooming European herb with a yellow flower; naturalized in the United States
  1. edelweiss
Leontopodium Alpinum
  1. alpine perennial plant native to Europe having leaves covered with whitish down and small flower heads held in stars of glistening whitish bracts
  1. comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum
Leucanthemum Vulgare
  1. tall leafy-stemmed Eurasian perennial with white flowers; widely naturalized; often placed in genus Chrysanthemum
Leucanthemum Maximum
  1. similar to oxeye daisy
Leucanthemum Superbum
  1. hybrid garden flower derived from Chrysanthemum maximum and Chrysanthemum lacustre having large white flower heads resembling oxeye daisies; often placed in the genus Chrysanthemum
Leucanthemum Lacustre
  1. perennial of Portugal similar to the oxeye daisy
  1. New Zealand edelweiss