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  1. young leaves widely used as leaf vegetables; seeds used as cereal
  1. common weedy European plant introduced into North America; often used as a potherb
  1. tropical American cacti usually tall and branching with stout spines and funnel-shaped flowers and globular or ovoid often edible fruit
Lemaireocereus Chichipe
  1. tall treelike Mexican cactus with edible red fruit
  1. two species of small cacti of northeastern Mexico and southwestern United States having rounded stems covered with jointed tubercles: mescal
Lophophora Williamsii
  1. a small spineless globe-shaped cactus; source of mescal buttons
  1. genus of western North American low-growing herbs having linear woolly leaves and large pink flowers
Lewisia Cotyledon
  1. evergreen perennial having a dense basal rosette of long spatula-shaped leaves and panicles of pink or white-and-red-striped or pink-purple flowers; found on cliffs and in rock crevices in mountains of southwestern Oregon and northern California
Lewisia Rediviva
  1. showy succulent ground-hugging plant of Rocky Mountains regions having deep to pale pink flowers and fleshy farinaceous roots; the Montana state flower
Land Cress
  1. of southwestern Europe; cultivated in Florida
  2. of southwestern Europe; cultivated in Florida