
Matching Words

10423 Results

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Large-Leaved Aster
  1. tufted perennial wood aster of North America; naturalized in Europe
  2. tufted perennial wood aster of North America; naturalized in Europe
Late Purple Aster
  1. a variety of aster
  2. a variety of aster
Lesser Knapweed
  1. a weedy perennial with tough wiry stems and purple flowers; native to Europe but widely naturalized
  2. a weedy perennial with tough wiry stems and purple flowers; native to Europe but widely naturalized
  1. any of several herbs of the genus Doronicum having alternate often clasping stem leaves cultivated for their long stalks of yellow flower heads
  1. any of several herbs of the genus Doronicum having alternate often clasping stem leaves cultivated for their long stalks of yellow flower heads
  1. any of several herbs of the genus Doronicum having alternate often clasping stem leaves cultivated for their long stalks of yellow flower heads
Little-Head Snakeweed
  1. similar to Gutierrezia sarothrae but with flower heads having fewer rays and disk flowers
  2. similar to Gutierrezia sarothrae but with flower heads having fewer rays and disk flowers
  1. an herb with milky juice: lettuce; prickly lettuce
Lactuca Sativa
  1. annual or perennial garden plant having succulent leaves used in salads; widely grown
Lactuca Sativa Longifolia
  1. lettuce with long dark-green spoon-shaped leaves