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10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. family of small free-floating thalloid plants
  1. minute aquatic herbs floating on or below the water surface of still water consisting of a leaflike frond or plant body and single root
Lesser Duckweed
  1. of temperate regions except eastern Asia and Australia
  2. of temperate regions except eastern Asia and Australia
Lemna Minor
  1. of temperate regions except eastern Asia and Australia
Lemna Trisulca
  1. cosmopolitan in temperate regions except North America
  1. unarmed woody rhizomatous perennial plant distinguished from wild sarsaparilla by more aromatic roots and panicled umbels; southeastern North America to Mexico
  1. deep-rooted perennial of southeastern United States
  1. deep-rooted perennial of southeastern United States
  1. mostly perennial herbs with sticky stems that catch insects; widespread in north temperate zone
Lychnis Flos-Cuculi
  1. common perennial native to Europe and western Asia having usually pink flowers with ragged petals