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81 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - the town was taken from the Turks by the Russians in 1877 after a siege of 143 days
  1. adjective - able to adjust readily to different conditions; "an adaptable person"; "a flexible personality"; "an elastic clause in a contract"
  2. capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking; "a flexible wire"; "a pliant young tree"
  3. capable of being influenced or formed; "the plastic minds of children"; "a pliant nature"
  4. capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out; "ductile copper"; "malleable metals such as gold"; "they soaked the leather to made it pliable"; "pliant molten glass"; "made of highly tensile steel alloy"
  1. verb - apply oneself diligently; "Ply one's trade"
  2. give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; "The hostess provided lunch for all the guests"
  3. join together as by twisting, weaving, or molding; "ply fabric"
  4. travel a route regularly; "Ships ply the waters near the coast"
  5. use diligently; "ply your wits!"
  6. wield vigorously; "ply an axe"
  1. verb -
  2. a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow); "he warned me with a jab with his finger"; "he made a thrusting motion with his fist"
  3. hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument; "the salesman pounded the door knocker"; "a bible-thumping Southern Baptist"
  4. make a hole by poking
  5. search or inquire in a meddlesome way; "This guy is always nosing around the office"
  6. stir by poking; "poke the embers in the fireplace"
  1. noun - a republic in central Europe; the invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 started World War II
  1. verb - deoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole
  2. propel with a pole; "pole barges on the river"; "We went punting in Cambridge"
  3. support on poles; "pole climbing plants like beans"
  1. noun - another name for Bologna sausage
  1. - The goddess of fruits and fruit trees.
  1. - Western; occidental.
  1. verb - direct one's attention on something; "Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies"