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81 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - A species of hickory. See Pecan.
  1. verb - (music) the speed at which a composition is to be played
  2. go at a pace; "The horse paced"
  3. measure (distances) by pacing; "step off ten yards"
  4. regulate or set the pace of; "Pace your efforts"
  5. walk with slow or fast paces; "He paced up and down the hall"
  6. walking with slow regular strides
  1. unknown - The capital and largest city of the Indonesian province of West Sumatra.
  1. noun - (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity)
  2. a formal expression of praise
  1. noun - any of numerous plants widely cultivated for their showy single or double red or pink or white flowers
  1. noun - a person who does not acknowledge your god
  2. a person who follows a polytheistic or pre-Christian religion (not a Christian or Muslim or Jew)
  3. someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures
  1. - The surface of a leaf or of a flattened thallus.
  1. verb - calling out the name of a person (especially by a loudspeaker system); "the public address system in the hospital was used for paging"
  2. contact, as with a pager or by calling somebody's name over a P.A. system
  3. number the pages of a book or manuscript
  4. the system of numbering pages
  5. work as a page; "He is paging in Congress this summer"
  1. verb - a fence made of upright pickets
  2. turn pale, as if in fear
  1. - A pavement.