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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown - a white crystalline drug used as an analgesic.
  1. unknown - of wine, slightly sparkling.
  1. - Of or pertaining to petiole, or proceeding from it; as, a petiolar tendril; growing or supported upon a petiole; as, a petiolar gland; a petiolar bud.
  1. noun - the stalk of a leaflet
Petit Mal
  1. noun - a seizure (or a type of epilepsy characterized by such seizures) of short duration characterized by momentary unconsciousness and local muscle spasms or twitching
  2. a seizure of short duration characterized by momentary unconsciousness and local muscle spasms or twitching; "the girl was frightened by her first petit mal"
  3. epilepsy characterized by paroxysmal attacks of brief clouding of consciousness (and possibly other abnormalities); "she has been suffering from petit mal since childhood"
  1. noun - a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority
  2. reverent petition to a deity
  3. write a petition for something to somebody; request formally and in writing
  1. - See Petrology.
  1. unknown - The smell of rain after a long period of dry weather.
  1. verb - cause to become stonelike or stiff or dazed and stunned; "The horror petrified his feelings"; "Fear petrified her thinking"
  2. change into stone; "the wood petrified with time"
  3. make rigid and set into a conventional pattern; "rigidify the training schedule"; "ossified teaching methods"; "slogans petrify our thinking"
  1. verb - cause to become stonelike or stiff or dazed and stunned; "The horror petrified his feelings"; "Fear petrified her thinking"
  2. change into stone; "the wood petrified with time"
  3. make rigid and set into a conventional pattern; "rigidify the training schedule"; "ossified teaching methods"; "slogans petrify our thinking"