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2735 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Pes Cavus
  1. noun - a deformity of the foot characterized by an abnormally high arch and hyperextension of the toes which gives the foot the appearance of a claw
  1. noun - a Muslim school in Indonesia operated by religious leaders; produces young militants skilled in jihad
  1. noun - a Muslim school in Indonesia operated by religious leaders; produces young militants skilled in jihad
  1. noun - a member of a Kurdish guerilla organization that fights for a free Kurdish state
  1. noun - a contraceptive device consisting of a flexible dome-shaped cup made of rubber or plastic; it is filled with spermicide and fitted over the uterine cervix
  1. noun - a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things
  2. the feeling that things will turn out badly
  1. noun - a person who expects the worst
  2. negative people
  1. - To hold or advocate the doctrine of pessimism.
  1. noun - a persistently annoying person
  1. verb - annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer"
  2. Bully or torment
  3. causing irritation or annoyance; "tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork"; "aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport"; "found it galling to have to ask permission"; "an irritating delay"; "nettlesome paperwork"; "a pesky mosquito"; "swarms of pestering gnats"; "a plaguey newfangled safety catch"; "a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him"; "a vexatious child"; "it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong"
  4. nag