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523 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - either of two spiral-horned antelopes of the African bush
  1. noun - Austrian chemist who did research on carotenoids and vitamins (1900-1967)
  1. noun - Kamarupan languages spoken in western Burma and Bangladesh and easternmost India
  1. noun - a river in western Asia; rises in northeast Turkey and flows to the Caspian Sea
  1. noun - a member of a largely pastoral Islamic people who live in Kurdistan; the largest ethnic group without their own state
  1. noun - a progressive disease of the central nervous system marked by increasing lack of coordination and advancing to paralysis and death within a year of the appearance of symptoms; thought to have been transmitted by cannibalistic consumption of diseased brain tissue since the disease virtually disappeared when cannibalism was abandoned
  1. noun - a Dravidian language spoken in southeast India
  1. noun - an elaborate Hawaiian feast or party (especially one accompanied by traditional foods and entertainment)
  1. noun - a Bantu language spoken in southeastern Congo
  2. a member of a Bantu people in southeastern Congo
  1. noun - a substance capable of reducing friction by making surfaces smooth or slippery
  2. apply a lubricant to; "lubricate my car"