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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - Scottish philosopher whose sceptical philosophy restricted human knowledge to that which can be perceived by the senses (1711-1776)
  1. noun - have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
  2. round one's back by bending forward and drawing the shoulders forward
  3. something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings; "the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge"; "the hump of a camel"; "he stood on the rocky prominence"; "the occipital protuberance was well developed"; "the bony excrescence between its horns"
  1. noun - a humming noise; "the hum of distant traffic"
  2. an Islamic fundamentalist group in Pakistan that fought the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s; now operates as a terrorist organization primarily in Kashmir and seeks Kashmir's accession by Pakistan
  3. be noisy with activity; "This office is buzzing with activity"
  4. make a low continuous sound; "The refrigerator is humming"
  5. sing with closed lips; "She hummed a melody"
  6. sound with a monotonous hum
  7. the state of being or appearing to be actively engaged in an activity; "they manifested all the busyness of a pack of beavers"; "there is a constant hum of military preparation"
  1. verb - be exhibited; "Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum"
  2. be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive; "This worry hangs on my mind"; "The cloud of suspicion hangs over her"
  3. be placed in position as by a hinge; "This cabinet door doesn't hang right!"
  4. be suspended or hanging; "The flag hung on the wall"
  5. be suspended or poised; "Heavy fog hung over the valley"
  6. cause to be hanging or suspended; "Hang that picture on the wall"
  7. decorate or furnish with something suspended; "Hang wallpaper"
  8. fall or flow in a certain way; "This dress hangs well"; "Her long black hair flowed down her back"
  9. give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said"
  10. hold on tightly or tenaciously; "hang on to your father's hands"; "The child clung to his mother's apron"
  11. kill by hanging; "The murderer was hanged on Friday"
  1. noun - a large piece of something without definite shape; "a hunk of bread"; "a lump of coal"
  2. a well-built sexually attractive man
  1. noun - an association of huntsmen who hunt for sport
  2. an instance of searching for something; "the hunt for submarines"
  3. British writer who defended the Romanticism of Keats and Shelley (1784-1859)
  4. chase away, with as with force; "They hunted the unwanted immigrants out of the neighborhood"
  5. Englishman and Pre-Raphaelite painter (1827-1910)
  6. oscillate about a desired speed, position, or state to an undesirable extent; "The oscillator hunts about the correct frequency"
  7. pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals); "Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland"; "The dogs are running deer"; "The Duke hunted in these woods"
  8. pursue or chase relentlessly; "The hunters traced the deer into the woods"; "the detectives hounded the suspect until they found him"
  9. search (an area) for prey; "The King used to hunt these forests"
  10. seek, search for; "She hunted for her reading glasses but was unable to locate them"
  1. noun - a member of the Athapaskan people of the Trinity River valley in California
  2. the Athapaskan language spoken by the Hupa
  1. noun - a violent throw
  2. make a thrusting forward movement
  3. throw forcefully
  4. utter with force; utter vehemently; "hurl insults"; "throw accusations at someone"
  1. - To make a rolling or burring sound.
  1. adjective - a damage or loss
  2. any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
  3. be the source of pain
  4. cause damage or affect negatively; "Our business was hurt by the new competition"
  5. cause emotional anguish or make miserable; "It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school"
  6. damaged inanimate objects or their value
  7. feel pain or be in pain
  8. feel physical pain; "Were you hurting after the accident?"
  9. feelings of mental or physical pain
  10. give trouble or pain to; "This exercise will hurt your back"
  11. hurt the feelings of; "She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests"; "This remark really bruised my ego"
  12. psychological suffering; "the death of his wife caused him great distress"
  13. suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle; "nursing his wounded arm"; "ambulances...for the hurt men and women"
  14. the act of