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483 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adjective - having or displaying warmth or affection; "affectionate children"; "a fond embrace"; "fond of his nephew"; "a tender glance"; "a warm embrace"
  1. verb - cause to drop or sink; "The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir"
  2. darkened by clouds; "a heavy sky"
  3. look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval
  4. make lower or quieter; "turn down the volume of a radio"
  5. move something or somebody to a lower position; "take down the vase from the shelf"
  6. set lower; "lower a rating"; "lower expectations"
  7. the act of causing something to move to a lower level
  8. the act of causing to become less
  1. noun - a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
  2. a rhombus or diamond shaped
  3. a small aromatic or medicated candy
  1. noun - a person who creates models
  1. verb - a preliminary sculpture in wax or clay from which a finished work can be copied
  2. assume a posture as for artistic purposes; "We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often"
  3. construct a model of; "model an airplane"
  4. create a representation or model of; "The pilots are trained in conditions simulating high-altitude flights"
  5. display (clothes) as a mannequin; "model the latest fashion"
  6. form in clay, wax, etc; "model a head with clay"
  7. plan or create according to a model or models
  8. sculpture produced by molding
  9. the act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale)
  1. - To model.
  1. verb - assume a posture as for artistic purposes; "We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often"
  2. construct a model of; "model an airplane"
  3. create a representation or model of; "The pilots are trained in conditions simulating high-altitude flights"
  4. display (clothes) as a mannequin; "model the latest fashion"
  5. form in clay, wax, etc; "model a head with clay"
  6. plan or create according to a model or models
  1. noun - a person who creates models
  1. - Of or pertaining to Modena or its inhabitants. -- n. sing. & pl. A native or inhabitant of Modena; the people of Modena.
  1. adjective - a person who takes a position in the political center
  2. being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme; "moderate prices"; "a moderate income"; "a moderate fine"; "moderate demands"; "a moderate estimate"; "a moderate eater"; "moderate success"; "a kitchen of moderate size"; "the X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart"
  3. lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; "
  4. make less fast or intense; "moderate your speed"
  5. make less severe or harsh; "He moderated his tone when the students burst out in tears"
  6. make less strong or intense; soften; "Tone down that aggressive letter"; "The author finally tamed some of his potentially offensive statements"
  7. marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes; "moderate in his demands"; "restrained in his response"
  8. not extreme; "a moderate penalty"; "temperate in his response to criticism"
  9. preside over; "John moderated