Matching Words
484 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A person or thing belonging to a home or to a particular country; a native; as, a word which is a homeling.
- adjective - made or produced in the home or by yourself; "homemade bread"
- noun - one of various similar homeotic genes that are involved in bodily segmentation during embryonic development
- noun - the opening page of a web site
- noun - a classroom in which all students in a particular grade (or in a division of a grade) meet at certain times under the supervision of a teacher who takes attendance and does other administrative business
- adjective - longing to return home
- adjective - a rough loosely woven fabric originally made with yarn that was spun at home
- characteristic of country life; "cracker-barrel philosophy"; "folksy humor"; "the air of homespun country boys"
- made of cloth spun or woven in the home; "homespun linen"; "homespun garments"
- of textiles; having a rough surface; "a sweater knitted of nubbly homespun yarns"
- noun - the town (or city) where you grew up or where you have your principal residence; "he never went back to his hometown again"
- adjective - oriented toward home; "in a homeward direction"; "homeward-bound commuters"
- toward home; "fought his way homeward through the deep snow"