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Matching Words

846 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Winter Flounder
  1. noun - flesh of American flounder; important in the winter
  2. important American food fish in the winter
Winter Mushroom
  1. noun - an edible agaric that is available in early spring or late fall when few other mushrooms are; has a viscid smooth orange to brown cap and a velvety stalk that turns black in maturity and pallid gills; often occur in clusters
Winter Olympics
  1. noun - an Olympics for winter sports
Winter Purslane
  1. noun - succulent herb sometimes grown as a salad or pot herb; grows on dunes and waste ground of Pacific coast of North America
Winter Solstice
  1. noun - December 22, when the sun is at its southernmost point
  1. adjective - of plants that bloom during the winter
Wintergreen Oil
  1. noun - oil or flavoring obtained from the creeping wintergreen or teaberry plant
Wisconsin River
  1. noun - a tributary of the Mississippi River in Wisconsin
Wishful Thinker
  1. noun - a person who escapes into a world of fantasy
Witches' Butter
  1. noun - a yellow jelly fungus