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846 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Wickiup Wickyup
  1. noun - a lodge consisting of a frame covered with matting or brush; used by nomadic American Indians in the southwestern United States
Wide-Angle Lens
  1. noun - a camera lens having a wider than normal angle of view (and usually a short focal length); produces an image that is foreshortened in the center and increasingly distorted in the periphery
Widegrip Pushup
  1. noun - a pushup with the arms widely separated
Wild China Tree
  1. noun - deciduous tree of southwestern United States having pulpy fruit containing saponin
Wild Mango Tree
  1. noun - African tree with edible yellow fruit resembling mangos; valued for its oil-rich seed and hardy green termite-resistant wood
  2. African tree with edible yellow fruit resembling mangos; valued for its oil-rich seed and hardy green wood that resists termites
Wild Snapdragon
  1. noun - common European perennial having showy yellow and orange flowers; a naturalized weed in North America
Wild Strawberry
  1. noun - Europe
Wilhelm Ostwald
  1. noun - German chemist (1853-1932)
Willful Neglect
  1. noun - a tendency to be negligent and uncaring; "he inherited his delinquency from his father"; "his derelictions were not really intended as crimes"; "his adolescent protest consisted of willful neglect of all his responsibilities"
William Crookes
  1. noun - English chemist and physicist; discovered thallium; invented the radiometer and studied cathode rays (1832-1919)