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846 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Pingpong Paddle
  1. noun - paddle used to play table tennis
Pink Fivecorner
  1. noun - heathlike shrub of southwestern Australia grown for its sharply scented foliage and pink flowers followed by pentagonal fruit
Pink Fritillary
  1. noun - California herb with pinkish purple flowers
Pink Of My John
  1. noun - a common and long cultivated European herb from which most common garden pansies are derived
Pinniped Mammal
  1. noun - aquatic carnivorous mammal having a streamlined body specialized for swimming with limbs modified as flippers
Pinus Attenuata
  1. noun - medium-sized 3-needled pine of the Pacific coast of the United States having a prominent knob on each scale of the cone
  2. medium-sized three-needled pine of the Pacific coast of the United States having a prominent knob on each scale of the cone
Pinus Banksiana
  1. noun - slender medium-sized 2-needled pine of eastern North America; with yellow-green needles and scaly gray to red-brown fissured bark
  2. slender medium-sized two-needled pine of eastern North America; with yellow-green needles and scaly grey to red-brown fissured bark
Pinus Monticola
  1. noun - tall pine of western North America with stout blue-green needles; bark is gray-brown with rectangular plates when mature
  2. tall pine of western North America with stout blue-green needles; bark is grey-brown with rectangular plates when mature
Pinus Palustris
  1. noun - large 3-needled pine of southeastern United States having very long needles and gnarled twisted limbs; bark is red-brown deeply ridged; an important timber tree
  2. large three-needled pine of southeastern United States having very long needles and gnarled twisted limbs; bark is red-brown deeply ridged; an important timber tree
Pinus Ponderosa
  1. noun - common and widely distributed tall timber pine of western North America having dark green needles in bunches of 2 to 5 and thick bark with dark brown plates when mature