Matching Words
4955 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun -
- backbends combined with handstands
- Easy victory
Wall Fern
- noun - mat-forming lithophytic or terrestrial fern with creeping rootstocks and large pinnatifid fronds found throughout North America and Europe and Africa and east Asia
Wall Pass
- unknown - "one two" as in football free kick.
Wall Plug
- noun - receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
Wall Rock
- noun - a rock immediately adjacent to a vein or fault
Wall Tent
- noun - a canvas tent with four vertical walls
Wall Unit
- noun - a piece of furniture having several units that stands against one wall of a room
- - Having an eye of a very light gray or whitish color.
- - The spotted flycatcher. It builds its nest on walls.
- noun - any of various small or medium-sized kangaroos; often brightly colored