Matching Words
4955 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Waking Up
- noun - the act of waking; "it was an early awakening"; "it was the waking up he hated most"
- noun - a Christian sect of dissenters that originated in southern France in the late 12th century adopted Calvinist doctrines in the 16th century
- - In the old German empire, the head forest keeper.
Walk Away
- verb - go away from; "The actor walked off before he got his cue"; "I got annoyed and just walked off"
Walk Over
- verb - beat easily; "The local team walked over their old rivals for the championship"
- - In racing, the going over a course by a horse which has no competitor for the prize.
- noun - a public stroll by a celebrity to meet people informally
- a walking trip or tour
- nomadic excursions into the bush made by an Aborigine
- unknown - noun. a long distance walk organized as a fund raising event