Matching Words
4955 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- unknown - adj. of Sallow
Of a sickly yellowish hue or complexion.
- verb - cause to become sallow; "The illness has sallowed her face"
Sally Out
- verb - jump out from a hiding place and surprise (someone); "The attackers leapt out from the bushes"
- set out in a sudden, energetic or violent manner
- unknown - n. an opening in a fortification for troops to make a sally
- noun - soft-finned fishes of cold and temperate waters
- - Like, or pertaining to, the Salmonidae, a family of fishes including the trout and salmon. -- n. Any fish of the family Salmonidae.
- noun - large tropical American tree of the genus Cordia grown for its abundant creamy white flowers and valuable wood