Matching Words
4955 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Resembling sagenite; -- applied to quartz when containing acicular crystals of other minerals, most commonly rutile, also tourmaline, actinolite, and the like.
- - A centaur; a fabulous being, half man, half horse, armed with a bow and quiver.
- adjective - (of a leaf shape) like an arrow head without flaring base lobes
Sago Fern
- noun - a showy tree fern of New Zealand and Australia having a crown of pinnated fronds with whitish undersides
- showy tree fern of New Zealand and Australia area having a crown of much-pinnated fronds with whitish undersides
Sago Palm
- noun - any of various tropical Asian palm trees the trunks of which yield sago
- dwarf palmlike cycad of Japan that yields sago
- noun - a member of a North American Indian people who lived in Oregon along the Columbia river and its tributaries in Washington and northern Idaho
- unknown - A surfboard with a sail. Also known as windsurf board.
- noun - a small sailing vessel; usually with a single mast
- noun - a strong fabric (such as cotton canvas) used for making sails and tents