Matching Words
4955 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Ready for the razor; fit to be shaved.
- adjective - a mongrel hog with a thin body and long legs and a ridged back; a wild or semi-wild descendant of improved breeds; found chiefly in the southeastern United States
- any of several baleen whales of the family Balaenopteridae having longitudinal grooves on the throat and a small pointed dorsal fin
- having a sharp narrow back; "a razor-backed horse"; "razorback hogs"
- noun - black-and-white northern Atlantic auk having a compressed sharp-edged bill
- - A Mexican liliaceous plant (Schoenocaulon officinale); also, its seeds, which contain the alkaloid veratrine. It was formerly used in medicine as an emetic and purgative.
- - Intermission of labor, as upon the Sabbath; rest.
- noun - an extinct Osco-Umbrian language of ancient Italy that survives only in a few inscriptions
- - Like, or related to, the genus Sabella.
Saber Saw
- noun - a portable power saw with a reciprocating blade; can be used with a variety of blades depending on the application and kind of cut; generally have a plate that rides on the surface that is being cut
- - The doctrine of the Sabians; the Sabian religion; that species of idolatry which consists in worshiping the sun, moon, and stars; heliolatry.
- verb - destroy property or hinder normal operations; "The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war"