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4955 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Hard News
  1. noun - news that deals with serious topics or events
Hard Roll
  1. noun - yeast-raised roll with a hard crust
Hard Rush
  1. noun - tall rush of temperate regions
Hard Sell
  1. noun - forceful and insistent advertising
Hard Tick
  1. noun - ticks having a hard shield on the back and mouth parts that project from the head
Hard Time
  1. noun - a difficulty that can be overcome with effort; "we had a hard time getting here"; "analysts predicted rough sledding for handset makers"
  2. a term served in a maximum security prison
  1. adjective - extremely explicit; "hard-core pornography"
  2. intensely loyal; "his hard-core supporters"
  3. stubbornly resistant to change or improvement; "hard-core addicts"
  1. adjective - firm and uncompromising; "a hard-line policy"
  1. - A name given by soldiers and sailors to a kind of unleavened hard biscuit or sea bread. Called also pilot biscuit, pilot bread, ship biscuit and ship bread
  1. noun - a book with cardboard or cloth or leather covers