Matching Words
4955 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Hard Clam
- noun - an edible American clam; the heavy shells were used as money by some American Indians
Hard Coal
- noun - a hard natural coal that burns slowly and gives intense heat
Hard Copy
- noun - (computer science) matter that is held in a computer and is typed or printed on paper; "he ran off a hard copy of the report"
- text that is typed or printed on paper; "he ran off a hard copy of the report"
Hard Core
- noun - the most dedicated and intensely loyal nucleus of a group or movement
Hard Disc
- noun - a rigid magnetic disk mounted permanently in a drive unit
Hard Disk
- noun - a rigid magnetic disk mounted permanently in a drive unit
Hard Drug
- noun - a narcotic that is considered relatively strong
- a narcotic that is considered relatively strong and likely to cause addiction
Hard Fern
- noun - any of several ferns of the genus Blechnum
Hard Lead
- noun - a lead alloy that contains about 5% antimony
- unrefined lead that is hard because of the impurities it contains
Hard Line
- noun - a firm and uncompromising stance or position; "the governor took a hard line on drugs"