Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

1112 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun -
  2. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
  3. damage beyond the point of repair; "My son totaled our new car"; "the rock star totals his guitar at every concert"
  4. determine the sum of; "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town"
  5. the whole amount
  1. noun - valuable timber tree of New Zealand yielding hard reddish wood used for furniture and bridges and wharves
  1. - To tear or rend in pieces.
  1. noun - a clan or tribe identified by their kinship to a common totemic object
  2. emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians)
  1. noun - someone whose employment involves carrying something; "the bonds were transmitted by carrier"
  1. verb - carry with difficulty; "You'll have to lug this suitcase"
  1. verb - determine the sum of; "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town"
  1. verb - move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
  2. move without being stable, as if threatening to fall; "The drunk man tottered over to our table"
  3. walk unsteadily; "small children toddle"
  1. - To walk in a wavering, unsteady manner; to toddle; to topple.
  1. noun - learns from a tutor