Matching Words
1112 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - Bright reddish gold....
- golden-red hair
- old master of the Venetian school (1490-1576)
- verb - belonging to the peerage; "the princess and her coroneted companions"; "the titled classes"
- designate by an identifying term; "They styled their nation `The Confederate States'"
- give a title to
- - A large truncated cone of refined sugar.
- noun - (usually plural) written material introduced into a movie or TV show to give credits or represent dialogue or explain an action; "the titles go by faster than I can read"
- a general or descriptive heading for a section of a written work; "the novel had chapter titles"
- a heading that names a statute or legislative bill; may give a brief summary of the matters it deals with; "Title 8 provided federal help for schools"
- a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it; "he signed the deed"; "he kept the title to his car in the glove compartment"
- an appellation signifying nobility; "`your majesty' is the appropriate title to use in addressing a king"
- an established or recognized right;
- an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General'; "the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title"
- an informal right to
- noun - the concentration of a solution as determined by titration
- noun - a nervous restrained laugh
- laugh nervously; "The girls giggled when the rock star came into the classroom"
- noun - a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
- This is the term for the dot above the letter 'i' and 'j'.
- verb - to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others; "He struts around like a rooster in a hen house"
Tot Up
- verb - determine the sum of; "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town"