Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

1442 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - give dinner to; host for dinner; "I'm wining and dining my friends"
  2. have supper; eat dinner; "We often dine with friends in this restaurant"
  3. the act of eating dinner
  1. noun - a small locomotive
  1. unknown - Australian slang for genuine, the real thing, pukka etc.
  1. verb - instill (into a person) by constant repetition; "he dinned the lessons into his students"
  2. make a resonant sound, like artillery; "His deep voice boomed through the hall"
  1. noun - a party of people assembled to have dinner together; "guests should never be late to a dinner party"
  2. the main meal of the day served in the evening or at midday; "dinner will be at 8"; "on Sundays they had a large dinner when they returned from church"
  1. - A thing given to a sacred use.
  1. verb - give to a charity or good cause; "I donated blood to the Red Cross for the victims of the earthquake"; "donate money to the orphanage"; "She donates to her favorite charity every month"
  1. noun - an industrial region in the Ukraine
  1. noun - the recipient of funds or other benefits
  1. verb - go `ding dong', like a bell