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1442 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a feeling of anger and animosity; "having one's hackles or dander up"
  2. small scales from animal skins or hair or bird feathers that can cause allergic reactions in some people
  1. - One of a breed of small terriers; -- called also Dandie Dinmont.
  1. verb - move (a baby) up and down in one's arms or on one's knees
  2. pet; "the grandfather dandled the small child"
  1. noun - a cause of pain or injury or loss; "he feared the dangers of traveling by air"
  2. a dangerous place; "He moved out of danger"
  3. a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury; "he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime"; "there was a danger he would do the wrong thing"
  4. the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury; "you are in no danger"; "there was widespread danger of disease"
  1. noun - a Chadic language spoken in Chad; uses seven vowels plus differences in vowel length
  1. verb - cause to dangle or hang freely; "He dangled the ornaments from the Christmas tree"
  2. hang freely; "the ornaments dangled from the tree"; "The light dropped from the ceiling"
  1. noun - (Old Testament) a youth who was taken into the court of Nebuchadnezzar and given divine protection when thrown into a den of lions (6th century BC)
  2. a wise and upright judge; "a Daniel come to judgment" -- Shakespeare
  3. an Old Testament book that tells of the apocalyptic visions and the experiences of Daniel in the court of Nebuchadnezzar
  1. adjective - a Scandinavian language that is the official language of Denmark
  2. light sweet yeast-raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese
  3. of or relating to or characteristic of Denmark or the Danes or their language ; "Danish furniture"
  1. - A descendant of Dan; an Israelite of the tribe of Dan.
  1. noun - French revolutionary leader who stormed the Paris bastille and who supported the execution of Louis XVI but was guillotined by Robespierre for his opposition to the Reign of Terror (1759-1794)