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1763 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - (19th century) a man's high tasseled boot
  1. verb - provide with a thermally non-conducting cover; "The tubing needs to be jacketed"
  2. put a jacket on; "The men were jacketed"
  1. noun - East Indian tree cultivated for its immense edible fruit and seeds
  2. immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit; it contains an edible pulp and nutritious seeds that are commonly roasted
  1. noun - a dive in which the diver bends to touch the ankles before straightening out
  2. a large knife with one or more folding blades
  3. dive into the water bending the body at the waist at a right angle, like a jackknife
  1. noun - a light used as a lure in hunting or fishing at night
  2. hunt with a jacklight
  1. noun - screw-operated jack
  1. - A low servant; a mean fellow.
  1. noun - a relatively large silversides of the Pacific coast of North America (known to reach 18 inches in length)
  1. - A smith who makes jacks. See 2d Jack, 4, c.
  1. noun - a small short-billed Old World snipe
  2. American sandpiper that inflates its chest when courting