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Matching Words

1763 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a unit of electrical charge equal to 10 coulombs
  1. - The act of acceding.
  1. - The act of kindling or the state of being kindled; ignition.
  1. verb - put stress on; utter with an accent; "In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word"
  2. the act of giving special importance or significance to something
  3. to stress, single out as important; "Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet"
  1. noun - small sparrow-like songbird of mountainous regions of Eurasia
  1. adjective - (of verse) having a metric system based on stress rather than syllables or quantity; "accentual poetry is based on the number of stresses in a line"; "accentual rhythm"
  2. of or pertaining to accent or stress
  1. adjective - accepting willingly; "acceptive of every new idea"; "an acceptant type of mind"
  1. verb - admit into a group or community; "accept students for graduate study"; "We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member"
  2. be designed to hold or take; "This surface will not take the dye"
  3. be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal; "The cow accepted the bull"
  4. consider or hold as true; "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument"
  5. give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution"
  6. make use of or accept for some purpose; "take a risk"; "take an opportunity"
  7. react favorably to; consider right and proper; "People did not accept atonal music at that time"; "We accept the idea of universal health care"
  8. receive (a report) officially, as from a committee
  9. receive willingly something given or offered; "The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter"; "I won't have this dog in my house!"; "Pleas
  1. - Acceptation; the received meaning.
  1. adjective - accepting willingly; "acceptive of every new idea"; "an acceptant type of mind"
  2. inclined to accept rather than reject; "she was seldom acceptive of my suggestions"