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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - display excessive cordiality (towards); "he is always backslapping his colleagues at staff meetings"
  1. unknown - Computing a backward-sloping diagonal line (\), used to separate file and folder names in some path statements.
  2. left leaning diagonal line
  1. verb - drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards
  1. noun - hit the backspace key on a computer or typewriter keyboard; "To erase, you must backspace"
  2. the typewriter key used for back spacing
  1. noun - spin (usually of a moving ball) that retards or reverses the forward motion
  1. - An instrument formerly used for taking the altitude of the heavenly bodies, but now superseded by the quadrant and sextant; -- so called because the observer turned his back to the body observed.
  1. adjective - a stage area out of sight of the audience
  2. concealed from public view or attention; "offstage political meetings"
  3. in or to a backstage area of a theater; "costumes were changed backstage"
  4. out of view of the public; behind the scenes; "Working backstage to gain political support for his proposal"; "many private deals were made backstage at the convention"
  1. adjective - secret and sly or sordid; "backstairs gossip"; "his low backstairs cunning"- A.L.Guerard; "backstairs intimacies"; "furtive behavior"
  1. noun - a stay that supports the back of something
  1. noun - (baseball) a fence or screen (as behind home plate) to prevent the ball from traveling out of the playing field
  2. (baseball) the person who plays the position of catcher
  3. a precaution in case of an emergency; "he acted as a backstop in case anything went wrong"
  4. act as a backstop