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1763 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - copy again; "The child had to recopy the homework"
  1. noun - a barrister or solicitor who serves as part-time judge in towns or boroughs
  2. a tubular wind instrument with 8 finger holes and a fipple mouthpiece
  3. equipment for making records
  4. Preserver. To keep in perfect or unaltered condition; maintain unchanged: fossils preserved in sediments; a film preserved in the archives.
  5. someone responsible for keeping records
  1. verb - a signal that encodes something (e.g., picture or sound) that has been recorded
  2. a storage device on which information (sounds or images) have been recorded
  3. be aware of; "Did you register any change when I pressed the button?"
  4. be or provide a memorial to a person or an event; "This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps"; "We memorialized the Dead"
  5. indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"; "The gauge read `empty'"
  6. make a record of; set down in permanent form
  7. register electronically; "They recorded her singing"
  8. the act of making a record (especially an audio record); "she watched the recording from a sound-proof booth"
  1. verb - count again; "We had to recount all the votes after an accusation of fraud was made"
  2. narrate or give a detailed account of; "Tell what happened"; "The father told a story to his child"
  1. verb - regain or make up for; "recuperate one's losses"
  2. reimburse or compensate (someone), as for a loss
  3. retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments; "My employer is withholding taxes"
  1. noun - act of turning to for assistance; "have recourse to the courts"; "an appeal to his uncle was his last resort"
  2. something or someone turned to for assistance or security; "his only recourse was the police"; "took refuge in lying"
  1. verb - cover anew; "recover a chair"
  2. found after being lost
  3. freed from illness or injury; "the patient appears cured"; "the incision is healed"; "appears to be entirely recovered"; "when the recovered patient tries to remember what occurred during his delirium"- Normon Cameron
  4. get or find back; recover the use of; "She regained control of herself"; "She found her voice and replied quickly"
  5. get over an illness or shock; "The patient is recuperating"
  6. regain a former condition after a financial loss; "We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90"; "The company managed to recuperate"
  7. regain or make up for; "recuperate one's losses"
  8. reuse (materials from waste products)
  1. - The person against whom a judgment is obtained in common recovery.
  1. noun - someone who saves something from danger or violence
  1. - The demandant in a common recovery after judgment.