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Matching Words

26427 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction
  1. - Somewhat bad; inferior.
  1. noun - a native or resident of Wisconsin
  2. annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer"
  3. persuade through constant efforts
  4. sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws; widely distributed in the northern hemisphere
  1. verb - put a badge on; "The workers here must be badged"
  1. - A fresh-water sponge (Spongilla), common in the north of Europe, the powder of which is used to take away the livid marks of bruises.
  1. noun - an attribute of mischievous children
  2. that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency; "take the bad with the good"
  3. used of the degree of something undesirable e.g. pain or weather
  1. verb - be a mystery or bewildering to;
  2. check the emission of (sound)
  3. hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of; "What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge"; "foil your opponent"
  4. people who are frustrated and perplexed; "the children's faces clearly expressed the frustration of the baffled"
  5. perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment; "obviously bemused by his questions"; "bewildered and confused"; "a cloudy and confounded philosopher"; "just a mixed-up kid"; "she felt lost on the first day of school"
  1. - One who, or that which, baffles.
  1. noun - a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
  2. be a mystery or bewildering to;
  3. check the emission of (sound)
  4. Greatly puzzles
  5. hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of; "What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge"; "foil your opponent"
Bag Net
  1. - A bag-shaped net for catching fish.