Matching Words
26427 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - Bacillus - aerobic rod-shaped spore-producing bacterium; often occurring in chainlike formations; found primarily in soil
Back Up
- verb - become or cause to become obstructed; "The leaves clog our drains in the Fall"; "The water pipe is backed up"
- establish as valid or genuine; "Can you back up your claims?"
- give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to; "She supported him during the illness"; "Her children always backed her up"
- make a copy of (a computer file) especially for storage in another place as a security cop; "You''d better back up these files!"
- make a copy of (a computer file) especially for storage in another place as a security copy; "You'd better back up these files!"
- move backwards from a certain position; "The bully had to back down"
- - Stand back! give place! -- a cant word of the Elizabethan writers, probably in ridicule of some person who pretended to a knowledge of Latin which he did not possess.
- noun - Invester
- invests in a theatrical production
- noun - an excavator whose shovel bucket is attached to a hinged boom and is drawn backward to move earth
- verb - be behind; approve of; "He plumped for the Labor Party"; "I backed Kennedy in 1960"
- be in back of; "My garage backs their yard"
- cause to travel backward; "back the car into the parking spot"
- establish as valid or genuine; "Can you back up your claims?"
- financial resources provided to make some project possible; "the foundation provided support for the experiment"
- give support or one's approval to; "I'll second that motion"; "I can't back this plan"; "endorse a new project"
- place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse"
- shift to a counterclockwise direction; "the wind backed"
- something forming a back that is added for strengthening
- strengthen by providing with a back or backing
- support financial backing for; "back this enterprise"
- the act of providing approval and support; "his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progress
- unknown - Illuminated from behind
- noun - accumulate and create a backlog
- an accumulation of jobs not done or materials not processed that are yet to be dealt with (especially unfilled customer orders for products or services)
- something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose
- the large log at the back of a hearth fire
- unknown - Area behind or adjoining a movie studio, containing permanent exterior buildings for outdoor scenes in filmmaking or television productions