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2618 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Wage Freeze
  1. noun - a freeze of wages at a given level
  2. freeze of wages at a given level
  1. noun - waggish behavior
Wagon Wheel
  1. noun - a wheel of a wagon
  1. noun - a periodic state during which you are conscious and aware of the world; "consciousness during wakefulness in a sane person is pretty well ordered and familiar"
  2. a temporary state in which you are unable (or unwilling) to sleep; "accept your wakefulness and sleep in its own contrary way is more likely to come"
  3. the process of paying close and continuous attention; "wakefulness, watchfulness, and bellicosity make a good hunter"; "vigilance is especially susceptible to fatigue"
Wall Street
  1. noun - a street in lower Manhattan where the New York Stock Exchange is located; symbol of American finance
  2. used to allude to the securities industry of the United States
  1. noun - Austrian general who fought for the Hapsburgs during the Thirty Years' War (1583-1634)
  1. noun - any of numerous plants of the genus Erysimum having fragrant yellow or orange or brownish flowers
  2. perennial of southern Europe having clusters of fragrant flowers of all colors especially yellow and orange; often naturalized on old walls or cliffs; sometimes placed in genus Erysimum
  3. remains on sidelines at social event
  4. Shy person, feeling awkward at a dance.
Walter Hess
  1. noun - Swiss physiologist noted for studies of the brain (1881-1973)
Walter Reed
  1. noun - United States physician who proved that yellow fever is transmitted by mosquitoes (1851-1902)
  1. noun - a showy often-cultivated plant with tawny yellow often purple-spotted flowers
  2. tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall