Matching Words
2618 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - See Vicious, Viciously, Viciousness.
- noun - puff paste shell filled with a savory meat mixture usually with a sauce
Volt Ampere
- - A unit of electric measurement equal to the product of a volt and an ampere. For direct current it is a measure of power and is the same as a watt; for alternating current it is a measure of apparent power.
- noun - a unit of electrical power in an AC circuit equal to the power dissipated when 1 volt produces a current of 1 ampere
- noun - unicellular or colonial biflagellate free-swimming flagellates
Vortex Vein
- noun - a vein formed by branches from the back surface of the eye and the ciliary body; empties into the ophthalmic veins
- noun - someone who vulcanizes rubber to improve its strength and resiliency
- noun - someone who vulcanizes rubber to improve its strength and resiliency
- noun - someone who makes attractive to the general public
- someone who makes something vulgar
- noun - someone who makes attractive to the general public
- someone who makes something vulgar