Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

31635 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a tumor composed of immature undifferentiated cells
  1. noun - early stage of an embryo produced by cleavage of an ovum; a liquid-filled sphere whose wall is composed of a single layer of cells; during this stage (about eight days after fertilization) implantation in the wall of the uterus occurs
  1. - Same as Blastula.
Blat Out
  1. verb - announce loudly
  1. noun - the property of being both obvious and offensive; "the blatancy of his attempt to whitewash the crime was unforgivable"
  1. noun - foolish gibberish
  2. to talk foolishly; "The two women babbled and crooned at the baby"
  1. verb - cry plaintively; "The lambs were bleating"
  2. To make loud noises
Blaze Up
  1. verb - burn brightly; "Every star seemed to flare with new intensity"
  1. noun - a strong flame that burns brightly; "the blaze spread rapidly"
  1. verb - decorate with heraldic arms