Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - blackish aphid that infests e.g. beans and sugar beets
- small blackish stout-bodied biting fly having aquatic larvae; sucks the blood of birds as well as humans and other mammals
- verb - a substance used to produce a shiny protective surface on footwear
- make or become black; "The smoke blackened the ceiling"; "The ceiling blackened"
- adjective - of something that is somewhat black; "blackish clouds"
- noun - Also called black quarter, symptomatic anthrax. Veterinary Pathology. an infectious, often fatal disease of cattle and sheep, caused by the soil bacterium Clostridium chauvoei and characterized by painful, gaseous swellings in the muscles
- someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike
- take the place of work of someone on strike
- noun - a momentary loss of consciousness
- a suspension of radio or tv broadcasting
- darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)
- partial or total loss of memory; "he has a total blackout for events of the evening"
- the failure of electric power for a general region
- noun - a black bituminous material used for paving roads or other areas; usually spread over crushed rock
- coat with blacktop; "blacktop the driveway"
- noun - a bag that fills with air
- a distensible membranous sac (usually containing liquid or gas)
- adjective - resembling a bladder
- unknown - n. - A follower of (former UK Prime Minister) Tony Blair or his brand of New Labour politics
- adjective - deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious; "blameworthy if not criminal behavior"; "censurable misconduct"; "culpable negligence"