Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - hit a three-base hit
- increase by a factor of three
- increase threefold; "Triple your income!"
- - A mineral of a dark brown color, generally with a fibrous, massive structure. It is a fluophosphate of iron and manganese.
- adjective - of a cell or organism having three complete sets of chromosomes; "human triploid fetuses are usually spontaneously aborted"
- unknown - Having three feet
- noun - (slang) someone who has taken a psychedelic drug and is undergoing hallucinations
- a catch mechanism that acts as a switch; "the pressure activates the tripper and releases the water"
- a tourist who is visiting sights of interest
- a walker or runner who trips and almost falls
- verb - cause to stumble; "The questions on the test tripped him up"
- characterized by a buoyant rhythm; "an easy lilting stride"; "the flute broke into a light lilting air"; "a swinging pace"; "a graceful swingy walk"; "a tripping singing measure"
- get high, stoned, or drugged; "He trips every weekend"
- make a trip for pleasure
- miss a step and fall or nearly fall; "She stumbled over the tree root"
- moving easily and quickly; nimble; "the dancer was light and graceful"; "a lightsome buoyant step"; "walked with a light tripping step"
- put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"
- - A noun having three cases only.
- noun - art consisting of a painting or carving (especially an altarpiece) on three panels (usually hinged together)
- unknown - a hidden wire or cord placed so that the feet of an animal or intruder will signal its presence
- A stretched wire designed to trigger an alarm or explosive device