Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid, C4H7N3O2, obtained, by the action of the vapor of cyanic acid on cold aldehyde, as a white crystalline substance having a slightly acid taste and faint smell; -- called also ethidene-biuret or ethylidene-biuret.
- noun - a device that activates or releases or causes something to happen
- an act that sets in motion some course of events
- lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun
- put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"
- release or pull the trigger on; "Trigger a gun"
- - An ornament in the frieze of the Doric order, repeated at equal intervals. Each triglyph consists of a rectangular tablet, slightly projecting, and divided nearly to the top by two parallel and perpendicular gutters, or channels, called glyphs, into three parts, or spaces, called femora. A half channel, or glyph, is also cut upon each of the perpendicular edges of the tablet. See Illust. of Entablature.
- - The quality or state of being trig; smartness; neatness.
- adjective - having threefold symmetry
- - A genus of pearly bivalve shells, numerous extinct species of which are characteristic of the Mesozoic rocks. A few living species exist on the coast of Australia.
- - The cutting region of the crown of an upper molar, usually the anterior part. That of a lower molar is the Tri"go*nid (.
- noun - a word that is written with three letters in an alphabetic writing system
- - Three letters united in pronunciation so as to have but one sound, or to form but one syllable, as -ieu in adieu; a triphthong.
- - A Linnaean order of plants having three pistils or styles.