Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - The system which undertakes to cure a disease by means of the virus of the same disease. (b) The theory of curing a diseased organ by eating the analogous organ of a healthy animal. Mayne. (c) The doctrine that the power of therapeutics is equal to that of the causes of disease.
- noun - a line drawn on a map connecting points having the same numerical value of some variable
- unknown - adj
(Animals) of, relating to, or belonging to the Isopoda.
- - An oily, volatile unsaturated hydrocarbon (C5H8), obtained by the distillation of caoutchouc or gutta-percha, and used to make synthetic rubber by polymerization. In organic chemistry, it is viewed conceptually as the building block of the terpene series of hydrocarbons.
- noun - order of social insects that live in colonies, including: termites; often placed in subclass Exopterygota
- noun - tufted perennial herbs of northern hemisphere
- unknown - Genus of internal parasites
- - One of the spores produced by an isosporous organism. (b) A zygospore.
- noun - (geology) a general equilibrium of the forces tending to elevate or depress the earth's crust
- - A line connecting points on the earth's surface having the same mean summer temperature.